official title Máster Universitario en Educación Bilingüe (inglés y español)
duration / ECTS 1 year / 60 ECTS
places / campus 160 / Alfara
Studies mode Semi-presential
Studies mode
learning outcomes Competences
Resultados de Competences
aimed at

Teachers who wish to learn how to teach in English and work at officially recognized bilingual and plurilingual schools and those who want to teach Spanish as a foreign language.


María Calvo Barrachina

academic fee and finance

See also the tuition fees of this master's degree. The San Pablo CEU University Foundation is the educational institution that allocate more money in Spain for investment in scholarships and grants.

Master's Degree in Bilingual Education. English and Spanish

The largest offer in Education in the Valencian Community

What makes us different

1. Getting you ready for your career

The CEU Cardenal Herrera University brings together the professional and academic worlds to ensure our students are always in touch with the education industry. The Master's Degree in Bilingual Education, now in its tenth year of operation, has undergone a transformation, adapting to the latest technology. This includes the teaching of Hyflex classes and the use of Apple and Microsoft technological tools, reflecting the educational needs of today's schools. With content-integrated language learning (CLIL), we can bring the world into the classroom: teachers can gain the training they need in teaching content in English through this approach, enabling them to develop their communicative ability in English for the classroom. In the same way, to meet the demand for Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) teachers in Europe and the USA, we offer students a stimulating learning pathway to teach Spanish as a foreign language in Spain or across the world.

2. Specialize once... or twice!

We offer two specialisms to our students – choose one or both. In general, we find that students benefit from the synergies of doing two specialisms at the same time and that this enhances their employability still further. It's well worth the effort!

  • Specialism 1: Using English as the vehicular language in the classroom.
  • Specialism 2: Teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE)

3. Placements

The CEU Cardenal Herrera University enjoys strong relationships with an extensive network of bilingual education institutions in the Valencia region. Your placements will be supervised by CEU lecturers and teachers at the school in question, providing you with an unbeatable learning and professional experience.

4. Language immersion

In a unique initiative in Spain, we provide students with two 100% language immersion days. You will spend two intensely exciting days with native-speaker lecturers and conversation assistants in small groups as you work on innovative solutions for a better world.

5. Guest speakers

As part of our objective to boost our students' employability, we invite a range of stimulating people from the academic and business world to speak at the University, telling students about their experiences and expectations for the future in the world of bilingual education and ELE. In April, a triple session is held with the focus on employability. In small groups, students have the chance to speak to representatives from government agencies, private education groups and a CEU careers adviser.

6. Improve your chances of success within the state system

This Master's Degree is accredited by the national and regional quality assurance agencies in higher education, giving you the edge in selection processes for the civil service.

7. Language learning materials

Master's Degree students will be given free access to a language learning platform.

8. End-of-master's degree project

The dissertation or end-of-master's degree project is the culmination of the year's hard work. It gives you the chance to show your passion for bilingual education: it could take the form of a teaching proposal, action research or even an experimental research project. It could even be the prelude to doctoral research.

9. Dual-mode of attendance

The CEU Cardenal Herrera University possesses the latest educational technology, enabling a dual-mode model of attendance – in-person and online – at educational activities to be implemented if required.

10. COIL projects

Over the course of the year, a number of COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) projects with American and European universities will take place.

Our master's degree offers students the opportunity to participate in the renowned BIP (Blended Intensive Programme), supported by Erasmus+. This innovative programme combines online and face-to-face learning, providing a rich and collaborative experience that improves teaching skills and cultural competence.

This programme provides our students with:

  • Practical experience with advanced educational technologies.
  • Collaboration with colleagues and experts from around the world.
  • Erasmus travel support.
  • Improved teaching methodologies adapted for bilingual education.

Admission requirements

Before you begin the admission process, check that you meet the admission requirements:

  • University degree
  • A recognized English language certificate (minimum of a B2 level)
  • For the Spanish specialism, you must also have a recognized Spanish language certificate (minimum of a B2 level) if you are not a native speaker.

Graduation requirements

To be awarded the Master's Degree, you will need to demonstrate possession of at least a B2 level of English (via a recognized certificate). Students with a bachelor's degree in early years education or primary education with an English specialism (mención en inglés), English studies, translation and interpretation (English), or who have undertaken degree programmes in English, are exempt from this requirement.

Valid B2 certificates recognized by CEU UCH's Languages Service are listed in this document..

Transformational Competencies Training Plan

The University offers its students the Transformational Competencies Training Plan, to provide them with learning opportunities to further enhance employability and career prospects.

The Transformational Competencies Training Plan at CEU is made up of three practical modules, structured around key soft skills.

Soft skills are an essential part of the armoury of today's professionals. The ever-changing working environment means that the ability to adapt and relate to others effectively is more important than ever. And not only will you get the chance to develop these skills – you can gain a microcredential to prove it.

Want to know more?

Each module consists of four hours of in-person training sessions and you can agree a flexible training schedule with the instructor to suit your learning needs. This schedule will consist of a blend of practical and dynamic activities, a run-through of some theory, self-assessment exercises, peer feedback and some space for reflection.

What is a master's degree?

Master's degrees are postgraduate qualifications which are accredited by quality assurance agencies for higher education at both a national and regional level. For CEU UCH, this means that they are accredited by ANECA (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación), and AVAP (Agència Valenciana D’Avaluació i Prospectiva), respectively. This makes them different from certain other postgraduate programmes in Spain, known as títulos propios, which do not require such accreditation.

This quality assurance process means that Spanish master's degrees in Spain are recognized as valid in any country in the European Higher Education Area.

Students with a master's degree are eligible for doctoral programmes.

With regard to civil service selection processes in Spain, master's degrees carry more weight than títulos propios, which are classified as part of lifelong learning. Both types of qualification are perceived as valuable in the private sector.


{{anyo.num_curso}} Year

Subject ects type sem language
{{asignatura.nombre}} {{asignatura.nombre}} {{asignatura.ects}} {{asignatura.tipo}} {{asignatura.sem}} {{asignatura.idioma.replace("Inglés","English")}}
TOTAL ECTS{{sumCreditos(anyo.materia)}}


Subject ects type sem language
{{asignatura.nombre}} {{asignatura.nombre}} {{asignatura.ects}} {{asignatura.tipo}} {{asignatura.sem}} {{asignatura.idioma.replace("Inglés","English")}}

End-of-Master's Degree Project

For the End-of-Master’s Degree Project, or TFM, students must undertake a project or research study which draws on and examines different explanations, theories, and ideas with regard to a specific issue. By doing so, students will learn how to plan a process, to apply research principles and skills (literature searches, data analysis and interpretation, etc.), to engage in problem-solving in an autonomous manner and to communicate and defend their point of view efficiently and professionally.

  • Icono
  • Icono
  • cm core modules
  • ob obligatory
  • op optional
  • pr practical
  • tfg final year project


The lecturers for the Master's Degree in Bilingual Education (English and Spanish) are:

  • Ms María Calvo Barrachina: Lecturer in Education at CEU UCH and the Coordinator for the Master's Degree. She has an MBA, a Master's Degree in Applied Linguistics for the Teaching of Spanish, and a Master's Degree in Secondary Education.
  • Ms Alicia María Aranda Quesada: Director of the Languages Service at CEU UCH. She has a Bachelor's Degree in English and a Master's Degree in Language Testing, and is an Instituto Cervantes-accredited DELE examiner for levels A1-C2.
  • Ms. Raquel Nielfa Toribio: Teacher at the CEU UCH Languages Service and the Coordinator of the Spanish Area. She has a Bachelor's Degree in English Studies and a Master's Degree in the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language. She is an Instituto Cervantes-accredited DELE examiner for levels A1-C2.
  • Dr María Candelaria Romeu Peyró: CEU UCH lecturer with a Bachelor's Degree in English and a PhD in Education. Lecturer on the English specialism of the Education degrees at CEU UCH.
  • Dr Sara María Matoses Jaén: Teacher at the CEU UCH Languages Service with a PhD in the Humanities. She is also an associate lecturer within the Education Department and an Instituto Cervantes-accredited DELE examiner for levels A1-C2.
  • Dr Ruzan Galstyan Sargsyan: CEU UCH lecturer. She has a Bachelor's Degree in English and a PhD in Online Learning Methods.
  • Dr Enrique Cerezo Herrero: Lecturer at CEU UCH and UPV. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Translating and Interpreting and a PhD in Translation from the University of Valencia.
  • Ms María Kuzina: She has a Bachelor's Degree in English Studies and a Master's Degree in Advanced English Studies. She is a PhD student in Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Their Applications at the Universitat Politècnica de València.
  • Mr Gregory Hunt: Teacher and translator at the CEU UCH Languages Service. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Hispanic Studies and Master's Degree in Modern Languages (Hispanic) from the University of Liverpool.
  • D. Daniel Garijo: Teacher at the CEU UCH Languages Service and an Instituto Cervantes-accredited DELE examiner for levels A1-C2. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Translating and Interpreting & a Diploma in Tourism from the University of Valencia.
  • Mr Rubén Benet: Director of Education. Apple Spain.
  • Dr. Alfonso Martínez-Carbonell López: CEU UCH lecturer. He has a Bachelor's Degree and a PhD in Law and is the coordinator of the Master's Degree in Secondary Education.
  • Dr María Rosario García Bellido.CEU UCH lecturer and the Vice-Dean for Education. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Educational Psychology and a PhD in Education.

From a placement to the job of your dreams

For many students, postgraduate programmes are a springboard for them to launch their careers. And that's exactly what we want for you too. With us, you'll get real industry experience during your placement, you'll develop key personal competencies and you'll learn from lecturers who are active professionals.

¿Do you want to know more? >>

Institutions with which the University has placement agreements:

  • Icon
    Institutions with placement agreements - Valencia Campus

Compulsory placements

    • Framework regulations for the external practical training of university students
      Framework regulations for the external practical training of university students.
    • Organizational regulations regarding external practical training at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences
      Organizational regulations regarding external practical training at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences.
    • Regulations regarding placements
      Regulations regarding placements for students of the Master's Degree in Bilingual Education, English and Spanish
  • Assessment System and Criteria for Placements
    Assessment System and Criteria for Placements.

Voluntary placements

Do a voluntary internship in a school in Great Britain or Ireland with an Erasmus+ scholarship. You will learn to educate through other methodologies and significantly enrich your teaching skills. There is the possibility of doing this internship the following year after passing all the modules of the Master's program.

More information

Mireia Burdeus Nadal
Careers Service - Postgraduate Unit.

  • Starts in: October
  • Ends in: July

Click on the link below for the timetable for the Master's Degree in Bilingual Education (English and Spanish).


CEU UCH's Faculty of Health Sciences has received ANECA's Audit Internacional certificate for the internal quality assurance system in operation on its three campuses. This is evidence of the quality, transparency and continuous improvement of its programmes and the focus on ensuring the satisfaction of all stakeholders.

Memory and reports


This section contains all the official information regarding the verification, implementation and renewal of verification of the study programme. + info


  • Calidad y normativa
    University Verification Report for the Bilingual Education. (English and Spanish)
  • Calidad y normativa
    Link to the Registry of Universities, Institutions and Qualifications (RUCT) regarding the Bilingual Education. (English and Spanish)

aneca reports

  • {{aneca.titulo}}

implementation report

  • {{implan.titulo}}

renewal report

  • {{renov.titulo}}

Survey results

Surveys are carried out to gauge the satisfaction of different groups with the degree, and the resultant reports enable the programme’s main strengths and weaknesses to be identified. Together with other indicators, this can form the basis for improvement plans. + info

  • {{encuesta.titulo}}
  • PAS Satisfaction
  • User satisfaction with services


Three years after their launch or reaccreditation, all degrees are evaluated by AVAP. The aim is to ensure that the programme is being carried out in accordance with the officially approved curriculum. + info

The quality objectives of the Bilingual Education. (English and Spanish) are under permanent monitoring and review. To this end:

  • An internal monitoring report (ISI) is drawn up every year, on the basis of the indicators and evidence from the Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIC, its Spanish abbreviation). The report provides an analysis of the degree’s operations, makes proposals for improvement, and monitors results and progress.

Monitoring reports

  • {{seguimiento.titulo}}

Annual reports SGIC

  • {{sgic.titulo}}

Suggestion mailbox

Suggestion sent!

Error sending suggestion


  • All members of the university community and stakeholders can submit suggestions, complaints or messages of thanks.
  • Suggestions, complaints or messages of thanks can be expressed individually or on behalf of a team.
  • To submit a suggestion, complaint or message of thanks, you must provide the personal data requested in the form, or the submission will not be processed.
  • The suggestions mailbox can be accessed directly from the website. It functions via email, meaning that replies will be sent to the user via the specified email address.
  • The Strategic Development and Quality Unit will forward the suggestions, complaints or messages of thanks to the corresponding unit or department heads, who will then reply to the user who submitted them.
  • The Strategic Development and Quality Unit will only play the role of intermediary and has no decision-making capacity in this respect.
  • The mailbox is open to public submissions, but submissions themselves will not be made public: only the Strategic Development and Quality Unit will have access to them.

Suggestions Box Reports

To view the annual Suggestions Box Reports, click on the link below:

View reports

Ready to apply?

Our admission process is simple and easy, and with many resources to make your application as smooth as possible.
Access your intranet to submit documents, find useful information and check your application status from home!

Apply now

Get the verdict from those who know


  • Unimel
  • Advisers for International Programs in Spain
  • Ayuntamiento de Castellón
  • British School Alzira
  • Cambridge House - Rocafort
  • Caxton College - Puzol
  • Colegio San Pedro Pascual - Valencia
  • CEIP Jose Soriano Ramos - Vilareal
  • Centro Educativo Ágora Lledó International School - Castellón
  • Centro educativo Colegio Argos - Valencia
  • Centro Educativo Colegio San Antonio Abad. Salesianos
  • Centro Educativo Elian`s British School Castellón
  • Colegio Internacional Levante
  • Colegio CEU San Pablo Valencia
  • Centro educativo Colegio Mas Camarena - Bétera
  • Cumbres School
  • Colegio Juan Comenius - Valencia
  • Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera - Servicio de idiomas