The mission of the Office of the Vice-Rector for Research (OVRR) at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University is to foster research excellence and thereby contribute to the improvement of society. This aligns with the aim of the Fundación San Pablo-CEU, founded by the Asociación Católica de Propagandistas, which is to contribute to the improvement of society through education, providing people who are valuable to it on an intellectual, professional and human level.
In order to foster high-quality research, OVRR also possesses internal policies regarding a range of internal funding opportunities.These include initiatives to attract Ramón y Cajal researchers and other senior researchers, initiatives to train pre-doctoral researchers, mobility programmes, support for Recognized Research Groups (GIRs), for lecturers who are not part of a research group, and for pre-competitive, unique or education research projects. All of this funding comes from internal resources as part of CEU Universities' Strategic Research Plans. Our researchers can apply for both internal funding and funding from external research institutions (both public and private).
The training of new researchers is led by our international doctoral school (CEINDO), in which lecturers and researchers from across all four CEU universities participate.
Administrative matters related to research are managed by the Office for Knowledge Transfer (Oficina de Transferencia del Conocimiento, OTC) . The University has 67 Recognized Research Groups (Grupos de Investigación Reconocidos, GIRs), 34 research assistants, 7 Ramón y Cajal researchers, 4 research institutes, 3 research observatories and 8 Research chairs, which receive external funding. Working alongside the Scientific Culture Unit , our researchers transfer, disseminate and publicize the knowledge they have gained, thereby making a significant contribution to society.
Emilio García Sánchez
Deputy Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer
Carrer Assegadors, 2
46115 Alfara del Patriarca
Tlf. +34 96 136 90 00/11 ext. 61321
María Isabel Fortea Gorbe
Coordinator of the Administrative Units for Research, Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination
Carrer Assegadors, 2
46115 Alfara del Patriarca
Tlf. +34 96 136 90 00/11 ext. 64341
Emilia Marmaneu González
Carrer Assegadors, 2
46115 Alfara del Patriarca
Tlf. +34 96 136 90 00/11 ext. 61203
María Isabel Fortea Gorbe
The UGI administers the University's internal research plan and applications for external funding.
Guna Ciekurzne
Head of the Research Management Unit
Silvia Sáez Gascón
Head of Financial Administration - General Manager's Office
Laura Carretero Barrios
Financial Administration - General Manager's Office
The OTC coordinates the relationship between the University, society and business, fostering the transfer of knowledge generated by CEU UCH to society and wealth generators. It does this by facilitating collaboration between the University's research groups, companies and public bodies through establishing research agreements, contracts, patents, utility models, spin-offs, etc. This knowledge transfer occurs by means of CEU UCH's research institutes and research chairs.
From 2024, the OTC is listed on the Register of Knowledge Transfer Offices maintained by Spain's Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
Nadia Ayelén Echegaray Alí
Director of the Knowledge Transfer Office
The UCC+i's role is to disseminate the work of our researchers and to promote interest in R&D&I via awareness-raising activities.
From 2024, it forms part of the UCC+i network set up by Spain's national science and technology foundation, FECYT.
Elisa Marco Crespo
Head of the UCC+i
Lorena Fernández Correas
R&D&I Administration Officer
Laura Herminia Grela Sánchez
Senior Officer - Bibliometrics
Beatriz Perelló Marín
Administrative Officer - Information regarding ethics committees
Announcement of international research opportunities, promotion of researcher involvement in new projects, guidance, support in the search for research partners, training for the drafting of proposals and administrative support for approved projects.
Gemma García Zato
Coordinator of International Research Strategy – USP CEU Universities Area, Director's Office
Dr. Alicia López Castellano
Vice-Rector for Research
D. Emilio García Sánchez
Dña. María Isabel Fortea Gorbe
Dr. Esperanza Ferrando Nicolau
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Business and Political Science
Dr. Leopoldo García Ruiz
Head of the Department of Law
Dr. Pedro Caja Meri
Head of the Department of Economics and Business
Dr. Emilio Callado Estela
Head of the Department of Political Science, Ethics and Sociology
Dr. Gonzalo Rubio Irigoyen
Researcher at the Department of Economics and Business
Dr. Susana Sanz Caballero
Researcher at the Faculty of Law, Business and Political Science
Dr. José Manuel Amiguet Esteban
Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences
Dr. Enrique Anrubia Aparici
Head of the Department of the Humanities
Dr. Jorge Pérez Llavador
Head of the Department of Communication and Journalism
Dr. José Martínez Sáez
Head of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising
Dr. Rocío López García-Torres
Head of the Department of Education
Dr. Fernando Gómez Gonzalbo
Castellón Campus
Dr. María Miranda Sanz
Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Maria Miranda Sanz
Head of the Department of Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Eugenia González Rosende
Head of the Department of Pharmacy
Dr. Laura García Garcés
Head of the Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy
Dr. Belén Merck Navarro
Head of the Department of Medicine and Surgery/p>
Dr. Marta Ribelles Llop
Head of the Department of Dentistry
Dr. Juan Francisco Lisón Parragán
Researcher at the Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Joaquín Sopena Juncosa
Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Empar García Roselló
Head of the Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery
Dr. David Viana Martín
Head of the Department of Animal Production and Health, Public Veterinary Health and Food Science and Technology
Dr. Jose Quereda Torres
Researcher at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. D. Ignasi Rosell Escribá
ESET (School of Architecture, Engineering and Design)
Dr. D. Antonio Falcó Montesinos
Head of the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Technological Sciences
Dr. D. Andrés Ros Campos
Head of the Department of Design and Architecture
Dr. D. Fernando Sánchez
IDIT Director
Dr. D. Juan José Amer Cuenca
ICB Director
Dr. D. Rafael Fayos Febrer
Dra. Dña. Laura García Garces
Committee Secretary
Dra. Dña. Begoña Ballester Lurbe
Committee Secretary
The Commission for Academic Integrity and Best Practices in Research at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University is made up of the Rector of the University, the Vice-Rector for Research and the Deputy Vice-Rector for Research. The overall aim of the Commission is to ensure the academic integrity of all research processes in which the University's researchers participate. The CEU Cardenal Herrera's Single Regulatory Document contains a series of recommendations for researchers to follow in order to ensure that academic integrity is maintained when proposing research activities and throughout the research process itself, by avoiding poor practices and misconduct.
The most important of these recommendations are:
For queries and complaints write to: [email protected]
The mission of this body, reporting to the Office of the Vice-Rector for Research and therefore part of the structure of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University, is to ensure that ethical principles are respected when carrying out research with human participants. These principles are internationally recognized and enshrined in documents such as the Declaration of Helsinki, the European Conventions on Human Rights and Bioethics, and the Magisterium of the Church.
Biomedical research forms are a key part of today's scientific endeavours, which seek to increase social well-being, quality of life and life expectancy. Our objective is to ensure that research activities take place within a high-quality, ethical, safe, and lawful framework.
The Committee also seeks to support, inform and guide researchers in the biomedical research field, helping them to stay within the Spanish and European legal framework and ensuring that participants' rights and welfare are protected.
What do you have to do if you want to carry out a biomedical research study? If you are a researcher at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University (UCH), you can access information about the application and evaluation process through thislink.
Royal Decree 53/2013, of 1st February, establishing the basic regulations for the protection of animals used in experiments and for other scientific purposes, including teaching was published in the BOE of 8th February 2013. This Royal Decree makes it mandatory for all procedures with animals to be assessed by an ethics committee and by an órgano habilitado, i.e., a body which has been officially authorized to perform the assessment of such procedures.
The CEU UCH's Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee was established to meet the legal requirements with regard to experimental procedures and teaching activities involving animals.
Our objective is to ensure that research activities take place within a high-quality, ethical, safe, and lawful framework.
The Committee also seeks to support, inform and guide researchers carrying out experiments with animals, helping them to stay within the legal framework and ensuring animal welfare as a priority.
CEU UCH has been certified by Valencia's regional government since April 2017 as an authorized body for the assessment of such research projects.
What do you have to do if the use of animals is necessary for your research? If you are a researcher at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University (UCH), you can access information about the application and evaluation process through this link.
The CEU Cardenal Herrera University is a signatory to the transparency agreement for animal experimentation, promoted by COSCE (the Federation of Spanish Scientific Societies) in conjunction with the EARA (the European Animal Research Association), which was formulated on 20th September 2016.
We know that animal research plays a key role in the discovery of the biological mechanisms involved in diseases and in the development of medical treatments. Without animal research, most of the medicines, antibiotics, vaccines and surgical techniques which are widely used in human and veterinary medicine would never have been developed.
Part of the research that is undertaken at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University and which contributes to the improvement of people's lives can only take place through the use of animals. Examples include work in ophthalmology, animal health, developmental studies, surgery and cancer.
Animal welfare during research processes is taken very seriously at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University. We also strictly comply with the law with regard to the protection of animals used in research and teaching activities and aim to achieve the highest standards in animal welfare. This is based both on our moral responsibility to the animals concerned and on the view that high-quality research cannot be achieved without regard for animal welfare. All the experiments undertaken involving animals are compliant with the law. They are reviewed by our Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee, which seeks to promote the use of alternative methods, a reduction in the number of animals used, and the optimization of experimental procedures. No research project requiring the use of animals can begin without the prior assessment and authorization of the project by the Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee.
The CEU Cardenal Herrera University seeks to ensure that all of the staff caring for animals and the researchers involved in animal experimentation receive the appropriate training. It also undertakes to ensure that sufficient resources are provided for the care of the animals involved in experimental procedures, with regard to facilities, nutrition, welfare, and veterinary care.
The principal mission of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University's Bioethics Committee is to protect the health and safety of laboratory staff, researchers, students, and animals when these groups are involved in research activities through the provision of safe facilities and a safe working environment. The Biosafety Committee aims to minimize all risks associated with biological agents and genetically modified organisms. At the same time, it seeks to ensure compliance with the law at the regional, national and international levels, and compliance with internal regulations. Any research activities which are found to violate the principles of biosafety, as established through legislation or internal regulations, will be suspended. Amongst the range of applicable legislation, Royal Decree 664/1997, regarding the protection of workers from risks associated with exposure to biological agents in the workplace, is particularly important.
The Biosafety Committee (CBS) reports to the Office of the Vice-Rector for Research at CEU UCH.
What should I do if my research requires the use of biological agents and genetically modified organisms? If you are a researcher at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University (UCH), you can access information about the application and evaluation process through this link.
Título | Publicación | Plazo | Tipo | Descargas |
CALENDARIO PREVISTO DE LAS CONVOCATORIAS DE LA AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN | Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Varía según convocatoria | Convocatorias | |
Premios Real Academia de Medicina de la Comunitat Valenciana (RAMCV) 2025 | Real Academia de Medicina de la Comunitat Valenciana | viernes, 31 de octubre de 2025 | Premios | |
Convocatoria de Subvenciones de la Acción Estratégica en Salud 2025 | Instituto de Salud Carlos III | Varía según convocatoria | Convocatorias | |
Premios Fronteras del Conocimiento-Fundación BBVA | Fundación BBVA | lunes, 30 de junio de 2025 | Convocatorias | |
Convocatoria Trasnacional INTERHEART para proyectos de investigación e innovación centrados en la Salud y el Bienestar | Era4Health | martes, 17 de junio de 2025 | Convocatorias | |
Convocatoria Conjunta Multitemática Europa-América Latina-Caribe (UE-LAC) | EU-LAC Interest Group | jueves, 22 de mayo de 2025 | Convocatorias | |
Convocatoria 2025 de la ERA_NET CHIST-ERA | CHIST-ERA | martes, 15 de abril de 2025 | Convocatorias | |
Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)- INTER mobility programme | Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) | martes, 1 de abril de 2025 | Ayudas | |
Convocatoria de Proyectos Sociales Comunitat Valenciana 2025 | Fundación La Caixa | jueves, 27 de marzo de 2025 | Convocatorias |
In this seminar series, experts from leading research centres are invited to share with us the latest developments in their field.
Contact: José Luis Nieto
These sessions offer an opportunity to discuss the latest papers and developments in the fields in which our researchers work.
Contact: Enric Poch
These sessions allow researchers from research groups and projects to share the results of their work with the university community. They are an opportunity to announce progress, present preliminary results, and discuss new proposals to continue to improve and move forward.
Contact: Ángel Gómez Martín
This series of talks seeks to raise awareness about the regulations concerning the use of animals in scientific research when other alternatives are not available. More on the how, why and what for of animal research while safeguarding animal welfare on YouTube.
Undergraduate students participate in these projects, kicking off their research career. Under the supervision of lecturers who are members of research groups, the students take part in the groups' research activities and take their first steps in the research world.
The International Student Congress (Congreso Internacional de Estudiantes, CIE) is an opportunity for students to begin researching, improve their scientific skills and present their own studies at an academic event.
CIE 2025Contact: CIE Organizing Committee
The International Student Congress of CEU Cardenal Herrera University (CIE) aims to foster an interest in research among the university's students. Moreover, it is a cross-disciplinary activity, open to all students of the university regardless of their field of study.
The CIE has become one of the university's flagship events due to the value it offers both to our students and to those from other universities. Over the two days of the Congress, the aim is to recreate the usual procedures of scientific conferences, where researchers present their work's advancements to the scientific community. The CIE replicates all the steps that occur in professional and research reality, allowing students to experience the full research process: from observing a real-world phenomenon or formulating a hypothesis that needs to be tested, to designing the research, conducting empirical work, achieving results and conclusions, and presenting and defending the research.
If you are a university student, the International Student Congress (CIE) is an experience you cannot miss for several reasons:
Over 400 students and 150 presentations participated in the last edition of the International Student Congress.
The UCC+i aims to promote the dissemination of research at CEU UCH via publications in both general and specialist media. Research news at CEU UCH is published on our Actualidad CEUwebsite, on X and via our YouTube playlists such as Ciencia CEU UCH, Cómo, por qué y para qué investigamos con animales, Patented by CEU UCH y/o MujereSTEAM, mujeres en la ciencia
Contact: Elisa Marco