Would you like to participate in an international mobility programme? If you are a member of the University's administrative and service staff (PAS), then you too can visit one of our university partners and gain valuable experience!

There are options available to you across Europe and beyond. There are different types of mobility programmes too:

International Week

You can take part in an international week on a particular theme and exchange best practices with professionals from other universities.This website is an excellent place to look for opportunities, but you can also choose other international weeks which are not listed on this website.

Specific training

Over the course of the year, we can offer you the chance to participate in different training courses and seminars (the type will vary depending on the offer itself and the post you hold). Applications for support for attendance at conferences or general language courses will not be accepted.


You can also undertake a secondment at another higher education institution, in order to exchange expertise and best practices. Contact us at [email protected] and we can tell you all about the different kinds of opportunities available, in addition to the application requirements, closing dates and selection criteria.

Would you like to attend an International Week?

If you would like to know more about the University, what we do and how we do it, we organize an International Week every year on different themes. If you'd like to receive more information about these events or ask us a question, please write to [email protected]