official title Máster Universitario en Arquitectura
duration / ECTS 1 year / 60 ECTS
places / campus 20 / Alfara
Studies mode Presential
Studies mode
learning outcomes Competences
Resultados de Competences
aimed at

Graduates meeting the conditions set in Order EDU/2075/2010 of 29th July, regarding the requirements for the verification of university studies enabling professional practice as an architect.


Jordi Martínez Ventura

academic fee and finance

See also the tuition fees of this master's degree. The San Pablo CEU University Foundation is the educational institution that allocate more money in Spain for investment in scholarships and grants.

Máster Universitario en Arquitectura

Specialization and internationalization

What makes us different

Become an architect in Spain and work wherever you want.

This Master's Degree in Architecture enables you to work as a professional architect in Spain and across Europe. The aim of the programme is to give students the opportunity to add to the skills and knowledge acquired as apart of the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectura), exploring architectural projects in greater depth from an experimental viewpoint, while providing a solid and multidisciplinary grasp of the field.

The Master's Degree in Architecture enables you to practise as an architect, access doctoral programmes, possess a professional qualification which improves your employability, and ensure full recognition of your professional qualifications abroad.

If you are already a student at our university, you can enrol in the Programa Académico de Recorrido Sucesivo (PARS), where we offer you the opportunity to complete both the Bachelor's Degree and the Master's Degree in Architecture in a continuous manner. It will allow you to enrol in the master's degree when you have a maximum of 30 ECTS credits to complete, all of them corresponding to the last year, including the Final Degree Project (TFG).

Destination: Spain
A focus on Spain and Spanish architecture in an international environment

Spanish architecture rightly enjoys great prestige throughout the world. For this reason, this final year of training will concern gaining first-hand knowledge of the country’s architecture, by studying it, visiting it and getting to know some of the studios which are playing a key role in shaping it today. Each year, a different studio works closely with our students, who will also be able to visit their facilities. Students will work on a project and will be guided by the studio’s staff throughout.

All of this work will take place in an international environment, with students from a range of different countries - people who could soon become your international partners. And all teaching activities will be in English.

With FuertesPenedo Arquitectos

This 2024-25 academic year, we will be working hand in hand with FuertesPenedo Arquitectos, a studio dedicated to architecture, design, and research, located in Galicia and led by Iago Fernández Penedo and Oscar Fuertes Dopico.

The studio has received multiple recognitions, such as awards from the XV and XVI Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism in 2021 and 2023, the Young European Architects Award 2021, the GranDeArea Award 2018, and the FP-INNOVA Award 2017. They were finalists for the FAD Awards in 2019 and the ENOR Awards in 2020, and they also received a special mention at the Architizer A+AWARDS 2020.

Currently, they have just received the First Prize for Architecture from Hispalyt 2024, and along with Flu-or, Trespes, Prieto Patiño, and A. Castro, they are collaborating with architect David Chipperfield's team on the development of the special plan for As Xubias in A Coruña.

High-quality education + real professional experience
See the line between the academic and the professional worlds disappear

Improve your skills, your employment prospects, and your ability to work as part of a team, and gain a global vision of architectural practice via the different types of placement we can offer you: voluntary placements, Erasmus+ traineeships and internal scholarships.

All teaching activities on the degree are also scheduled for the late afternoon and evening, on a maximum of four days a week, so that you can combine a professional placement with your studies.

At the same time, you will be developing your own project, with the support of an expert professional team throughout the process. Now is the time to intensify your learning and give your career a boost before it even starts. All of the degree content has a practical focus and aims to be directly applicable to professional practice.
Some of the best architects currently practising will be your lecturers, enabling you to network even as you learn.

In the laboratory
Learn by doing

The whole programme seeks to immerse you in real architectural problems, so that you can learn through real experience: practical workshops, challenges, travel and study visits, debates, etc. Now is the time to experiment, discover, make mistakes, choose, and experience new things. It will all take place in a laboratory - and the clue is in the name. It is a place for teamwork, experimentation, questioning assumptions and the production - and then the perfection - of prototypes.

In this shared laboratory, you will have your own workspace within the team area at our design and architecture school, ESET.
The core of the whole programme is a professional project which you will undertake, enabling you to bring together everything you have learnt during your studies and show that you are ready to begin your architectural career. An expert team will guide you the process so that you can produce the best possible project.

And the rest of the study programme will strengthen your practical and skills, enhancing your project still further. As the Spanish architect Alejandro de la Sota said, "architecture is the air we breathe, but it is one which is laden with aromas and wisdom, and the air itself is transformed through architecture."


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Subject ects type sem language
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TOTAL ECTS{{sumCreditos(anyo.materia)}}


Subject ects type sem language
{{asignatura.nombre}} {{asignatura.nombre}} {{asignatura.ects}} {{asignatura.tipo}} {{asignatura.sem}} {{asignatura.idioma.replace("Inglés","English")}}

End-of-Master's Degree Project

For the End-of-Master’s Degree Project, or TFM, students must undertake a project or research study which draws on and examines different explanations, theories, and ideas with regard to a specific issue. By doing so, students will learn how to plan a process, to apply research principles and skills (literature searches, data analysis and interpretation, etc.), to engage in problem-solving in an autonomous manner and to communicate and defend their point of view efficiently and professionally.

  • Icono
  • cm core modules
  • ob obligatory
  • op optional
  • pr practical
  • tfg final year project


  • María Albarreal Machío
  • Lola Bataller Alberola
  • César Blecua Udías
  • Iago Fernández Penedo
  • Raúl Ferrándiz López
  • Oscar Fuertes Dopico
  • Javier García García
  • Sonia García-Delicado Pérez
  • Lara Llop Font
  • Ángel López de Ocáriz Olmos
  • Juan Marco Marco
  • Jordi Martínez Ventura
  • Blanca Pedrola Vidal
  • Maria Peralta Zaragoza
  • Jaime Pérez Dinnbier
  • José María Rodrigo Ortega
  • Alfonso Ventura Martínez
A postgraduate placement – the first step towards your dream career

A postgraduate placement – the first step towards your dream career

Many students see postgraduate training as the key to improving their employability – and this is exactly what you can do with us. Placements at working studios, training to improve personal skills, and lecturers who also work in the industry are all part of the package we offer.

Want to know more? >>

Mandatory Internships

  • General regulations concerning the practicum in Bachelor's Degrees and postgraduate programs

Voluntary placements

During your Master's Degree in Architecture at ESET, you can undertake voluntary placements at Spanish and international studios and firms. Our objective is to ensure you can maximize your learning, by combining your studies with real professional experience, enabling you to hone your skills and employability, improve your teamworking ability and gain a global vision of professional practice.

The chance to gain experience at international studios is a unique opportunity, as you can gain a more comprehensive perspective on the profession while improving your cultural awareness and language skills - enhancing your international career prospects significantly.

There are different types of placement you can undertake: voluntary placements, Erasmus+ traineeships and internal scholarships. All of these can be combined with your studies and can act as a bridge between the academic and professional worlds. And to make it easier for you to enjoy the full benefits of both your academic education and your professional training, lectures are scheduled for the later afternoon and evening, on a maximum of four days a week.

More information

Mireia Burdeus Nadal
Careers Officer – Postgraduate Administration Unit

Training Testimonial

  • Start date: 14th october
  • Duration: October-July
  • Timetable: evening

Memory and reports


This section contains all the official information regarding the verification, implementation and renewal of verification of the study programme. + info


  • Calidad y normativa
    University Verification Report for the Master's Degree in Architecture
  • Calidad y normativa
    Link to the Registry of Universities, Institutions and Qualifications (RUCT) regarding the Master's Degree in Architecture
  • Calidad y normativa
    Academic Program Memory of Successive Route (PARS) in Architecture via Fundamentals of Architecture

aneca reports

  • {{aneca.titulo}}
  • Informes Aneca
    ANECA Report Academic Program of Successive Route (PARS) in Architecture via Fundamentals of Architecture

implementation report

  • {{implan.titulo}}

renewal report

  • {{renov.titulo}}

Survey results

Surveys are carried out to gauge the satisfaction of different groups with the degree, and the resultant reports enable the programme’s main strengths and weaknesses to be identified. Together with other indicators, this can form the basis for improvement plans. + info

  • {{encuesta.titulo}}
  • PAS Satisfaction
  • User satisfaction with services


Three years after their launch or reaccreditation, all degrees are evaluated by AVAP. The aim is to ensure that the programme is being carried out in accordance with the officially approved curriculum. + info

The quality objectives of the Master's Degree in Architecture are under permanent monitoring and review. To this end:

  • An internal monitoring report (ISI) is drawn up every year, on the basis of the indicators and evidence from the Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIC, its Spanish abbreviation). The report provides an analysis of the degree’s operations, makes proposals for improvement, and monitors results and progress.

Monitoring reports

  • {{seguimiento.titulo}}

Annual reports SGIC

  • {{sgic.titulo}}

Suggestion mailbox

Suggestion sent!

Error sending suggestion


  • All members of the university community and stakeholders can submit suggestions, complaints or messages of thanks.
  • Suggestions, complaints or messages of thanks can be expressed individually or on behalf of a team.
  • To submit a suggestion, complaint or message of thanks, you must provide the personal data requested in the form, or the submission will not be processed.
  • The suggestions mailbox can be accessed directly from the website. It functions via email, meaning that replies will be sent to the user via the specified email address.
  • The Strategic Development and Quality Unit will forward the suggestions, complaints or messages of thanks to the corresponding unit or department heads, who will then reply to the user who submitted them.
  • The Strategic Development and Quality Unit will only play the role of intermediary and has no decision-making capacity in this respect.
  • The mailbox is open to public submissions, but submissions themselves will not be made public: only the Strategic Development and Quality Unit will have access to them.

Suggestions Box Reports

To view the annual Suggestions Box Reports, click on the link below:

View reports

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