The University's Advisory Service aims to support students, family members and schools to aid students' progression into university life. We offer a range of activities and resources to guide students through this complex decision-making process.

Advice for students and their families

Not sure which direction to take? Summer Inspiration is what you need

Not sure which direction to take? Summer Inspiration is what you need

What do you want to be? It's a big question. But to answer it, sometimes you need to find out more about the options in front of you. Our Summer Inspiration initiative offers you the chance to do just that. How? By meeting top people from the professions or industries you're considering – people who can inspire you. You'll also get involved in practical activities and workshops that will you through your paces and reveal your true potential. We think you'll love it. After all, who doesn’t want to be inspired?
Sign up!

¿A punto de entrar en la universidad?

Are you starting university in the autumn? Still wondering which university is the best one for you?

The CEU Cardenal Herrera University holds open days for prospective students and their families at several times throughout the year, with both in-person and online events. We want students and their family members to be able to see and experience our facilities at first hand and to meet our lecturers and current students.
Look out for the next available Open Days and sign up for the one that's best for you. We'll be here to help you through this complex decision-making process.
Open Days

Por qué no aquí

What if I can’t make the scheduled dates?

If the activity schedule doesn't work for you, then you can also request a personal appointment via the University website, either in an in-person or online format. Someone from the Advisory Service will then get in touch to set it up for the date that works for you.
Campus Tour

Schools and careers advisers


We visit schools to give presentations about the University. We'll talk about all the issues of interest, such as the different admission pathways for the University, the admissions process, the degrees we offer, how students undertaking vocational training are admitted to our degree programmes, our facilities, the grants and scholarships on offer, and more.

We adapt the presentations to suit each school or college. They can even take place online.

Talks and themed workshops

With the participation of a range university lecturers, we organize a range of activities on different themes for students in the final years of secondary education or those undertaking vocational training (years 11 to 13 in the British system). We also travel out to schools for these activities.

These activities can also be arranged for parents' associations. In the case of schools and colleges located outside of Spain, we can offer these activities in other languages and adapt them to the schools' needs, characteristics and schedules.

A day in the life at the University

It’s very important for students to become familiar with the place where they will study their degree. For this reason, schools can request a visit to the University’s facilities throughout the year and the tour can be customised to the specific needs of each school.

Transforming tomorrow's education


This initiative brings together students from schools across the Valencia region, presents to them some of the problems facing society and invites them to work together on a project to address these problems.

This is seventh year of this initiative and it will take place this year on our Elche campus. The students will work on projects aimed at encouraging reading habits among young people.

Aimed at students in Year 11 to 13 of secondary education and those undertaking vocational training.

Location: Elche campus

Business Game

Now in its seventh year, this competition puts students from different schools into teams and challenges them to be become the market leader, using Pearson's business simulator. Each team manages a company and its products over a five-year cycle. Will they make the right decisions to grow the business?

Location: Valencia campus
Aimed at: Year 12 and 13 students studying humanities and social sciences subjects

Legal Olympiad

Student will be presented with a case and given a role within it. Then a mock trial will take place, presided over by legal experts, and the student will have to argue their case.

The participants will learn how to use arguments to defend their position, while developing important skills such as teamwork and public speaking.

Aimed at: Year 12 and 13 students studying humanities and social sciences subjects

Marketing Experience

Now in its seventh year, our Marketing Experience initiative introduces students to the world of marketing. They must create a business strategy on the basis of a brief provided by our partner company, PANAMA JACK.

Aimed at: year 12 students studying humanities subjects.
Location: Elche campus

Small World Initiative (SWI)

The CEU Cardenal Herrera University participates in the Small World Initiative (SWI), an international citizen science project launched by Yale University in the USA.

The project began in 2017-18 and its goal is to involve university and school students in the search for new antibiotics which naturally exist in the wild. It also educates students in the rational use of medication.

Biology and Health Sciences Olympiad

In this new activity at the University, school students will be introduced to the basics of scientific research and how these methods generate new knowledge. They will learn how to analyse and interpret data – highly useful and transferable skills.

Aimed at: year 12 students studying human biology.
Location: Elche campus

Orienta: annual meeting for career guidance counsellors

The University's Advisory Service organizes the Orienta event every year for career guidance counsellors working in schools and training colleges across the Valencia region.

The event focuses on the latest developments in the field and attendees can share their thoughts and experiences with their colleagues throughout the day.

Many experts in psychology, education and career guidance have spoken at this event, including Víctor Küppers, Javier Urra, Gregorio Luri, Antonio Gil, Bernabé Tierno, Pedro García Aguado and Sonia Cervantes.

Aimed at: career guidance counsellors, heads, deputy heads and teachers in schools.
Location: Valencia and Elche campuses


Staff from the University's Advisory Service attend many different university fairs to promote the University's study programmes. In 2023-24, we will have a presence at the following events:

Unitour Alicante: Monday, 16th October 2023
Unitour Murcia: Tuesday, 17th October 2023
Unitour Palma de Mallorca: Monday, 23rd October 2023
Unitour Ibiza: Thursday, 16th November 2024
Unitour Castellón: Wednesday, 17th January 2024
Unitour Valencia: Thursday, 18th January 2024

For more information about our activities and career guidance resources, contact a member of our team directly. If your school is based outside Spain, please contact one of our international admissions advisors for schools.

Zulema Muñoz Picó

Zulema Muñoz Picó
Campus Valencia
Tel. 961369000 ext. 61010

Sandra Macián Villanova

Sandra Macián Villanova
Campus Valencia
Tel. 961369000 ext. 61011

 Victoria Malea Ochoa

Victoria Malea Ochoa
Campus Valencia
Telf. 961369000

Marian Estrada Fernández

Marian Estrada Fernández
Campus Elche
Tel. 965426486 ext. 68021

María Benita Pérez Parreño

María Benita Pérez Parreño
International schools (Rest of the World)
[email protected]

Guadalupe García Sorribes

Guadalupe García Sorribes
International schools (Latin America)
[email protected]